Sunday, April 4, 2010

cfdocument align=justify - 4 year old...

FOUR years ago I reported a bug in ColdFusion 7's cfdocument PDF rendering engine. It prevents any text from being justified which had made business documents generated by ColdFusion look rather messy and unprofessional.

I reported the bug again during the CF8 beta. It still remains in place in CF9 some 4 years on.

The open source Railo and BlueDragon CFML engines don't have this problem. So why has Adobe, who invented the PDF format, not taken any interest in fixing the problem for 4 years? If a 3rd party library is at fault then update it or change it for one that Railo or BD uses.

Will this be fixed in the next CF9 beta? If not then we need to elegantly find a way of sending cfdocument requests to a Railo/BD server and then return confirmation to the CF server. Maybe as web service. The servers all have access to the same file share (web root) so the PDF can be deposited in there rather than sending the binary back via the web service.


  1. As pathetic as it sounds, the bug has still not been fixed in CF10. I find it absolutely outrageous, and I would dump CF tomorrow if I could!

  2. The bug has still not been fixed in CF 2016................

  3. We are 5 months away of the 9th year of this post and still adobe ignores this issue. It says a lot about how they treat CF.
