Friday, March 26, 2010

'Marquee Light' Effect?

Can someone kindly point me to a tut or explain how to do an animation effect. Its pretty common but I dont what its called. A 'light' or lights that travel down a line, straight or curved in one or both directions. Kinda like an old movie house marquee. In this example image, the red light moves to the right and reverses at the end of the line and goes the other way. I dont know if this makes a difference but the image I want to create may include use of the

vanishing point tool.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

'Marquee Light' Effect?


I have attached a gif animation for you. Is that kind of light effect you are looking for.

Let me know if I got it right, then i'll send you the source file so that you can understand how to make it.


Maneet Puri,

Lexolution IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

'Marquee Light' Effect?

Sorry. Wrong forum!

Maneet, Sorry for the delay after your quick response, I couldnt find the reply button. The first thing I thought of was ''Im not logged in''. I looked at the top af the page, to the right of the Adobe logo and I saw (see) a ''Sign out'' link. Usually, you dont see the choice to sign out if you are not signed in. After giving up on finding any forum support, I looked at the page for the Nth?time and saw the small 'login' link.

The animation in your file is not what I mean. What I am looking for is a light 'pulse', a tiny point of light that travels down a line by itself, followed by the next one at timed intervals. Im still trying to find the name or a better description.

Got it! Here it is. My design idea goes something like this: base image is a circular tunnel that curves out of site in the background (like looking down a torus). The interior surface of this lumen has horizontal lines on it. Because of the perspective view, one line in the center of the tunnel (the water line if the tunnel was half filled with water) is straight while every line below that skews progressively down and ever line above that skews progressively up. Some of the light pulses would travel from the backround to the foregreound along these lines, getting brighter and bigger as they approached the foreground and some would do the opposite, travelling away from the foreground.

Too much to ask for from one 'lil old gif file?

these sort of things are done by hand. Paint the dots on the first frame, move to the second frame and change the position of the dots again, make a new frame, and so on and so forth. There isn't any automation involving this sort of thing in Photoshop, maybe in dedicated gif animation programs

That sounds painful. So, if I want several (or a lot of) dots in various stages of progression moving towards and/or away from the foreground, each frame will have each of the dots in a new position along its intended path, getting smaller/darker and bigger/brighter? What Im looking for is essentially a horizontal equivalent of the ''Matrix Code''-very busy.

Can anyone help? Maneet, source file? Hello?


Attached is the new animation with source file for your reference.

Hope this helps,


Maneet Puri,

Lexolution IT Services

Thank you very much. Im trying to figure out how to get it to conform to the contours in the backround image. Is it a ''what you see is what you get'' image or should I be able to drag the lines and have the lights follow the new shape?

Maybe a better way to ask the question is should I be able to get it to look like the rose image I uploaded - tiny points of light moving along different paths?


Yes you can easily make this kind of effect.

Just follow the below steps.

1. Create the light and place it along with path. (rose_01.jpg attached)

2. Duplicate all the lights and move little bit along with the path to create moving light effect. (rose_02.jpg attached)

Create two frames in animation window and display different lights on each frame.

Hope this helps,


Maneet Puri

Lexolution IT Services

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