In this application create a facilty for user to start the shuffle game in which user is presented with all the alphabets in shuffled manner.The user has to arrange the alphabets in order in given time.After completion of the time all the alphabets must be arranged in order automatically.
Please reply......
how to make an alphabet shuffle game in...For this you will use drag and drop for when the user drags letters to their correct position.
Use a Canvas container, and define ''zones'', one for each letter.
When you implement the drag and drop behavior, you check the mouse position to determine where the dragged letter should be placed after user releases the mouse button. The letters to the right and below the dropped letter should shift positions.
Here is a useful link:
Event more useful will be the Adobe Flex example dashboard application. Right-click and select View Source. Examine the source, as this code allows users to drag and drop the charts as you describe:
If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
how to make an alphabet shuffle game in...Sir actually i tried it but not getting so if u can send me how to shuffle the alphabets code and how to insert a timer in it!!
Thank you
Pls reply!!
Sorry, you've got to do some work here. Tell us what problems you are running into and post simplified yet complete code and answers will soon be forthcoming.
Yah actually i am getting a problem in shufflin the alphabets i am not able to do it so........
Are you using custom components to represent the letters??How are you defining their position??Here's a bit of pseudo code from my understanding of your issue:
grid = 4 x 4 square divided 4 ways to give you 16 squares
Array = alphabet (length N where N is the number of characters in the alphabet)
you could do a psuedo random shuffle by doing the following:
?var temp=array[i];
?var randomLetter=random(array.length);
Then just position the elements of that array to wherever you want in the grid
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