Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Parking Policy?

聽聽聽聽 Hi gang

I see that I may have stirred the pot a bit by temporarily parking a post in this forum until I heard back from the OP which product was being used.

I would like to extend my sincere apologies to anyone that may have affected. It seemed to be the ''most intelligent'' choice I could make at the time and I suppose it wasn't received very well.

This does beg a question, however. If we do see a post that absolutely doesn't fit in the forums we monitor, is there a suggested ''parking spot'' to move it to as a temporary measure? My intent was only to remove it from view of the forum I knew it did not belong in. Had I been given any form of a remote clue as to what forum it *DID* belong in, I'd have moved it there and been done with it.

advTHANKSance... Rick

Parking Policy?

Most hosts seem to leave such posts where they are until the correct location becomes clear - if it ever does. Then move it, but ideally leave a message to say what you've done. Or PM the person? That seems less likely to cause confusion - seriously lost people have enough trouble coping with being in two forums, let alone three

Parking Policy?


I usually direct people to the correct forum when I know what it is. I ask the OP to repost all the details. Moving threads a nice forum feature seems poorly implemented---what else is new.

The way I'd treat it, were it in a forum I was moderating, is that it's my ''problem'' (if you consider it one) until it's obvious which product they're asking about.聽 It's like dumping your trash into your neighbor's yard. Not that I really mind or care what you dump here, but some do.

RoboWizard wrote:

鈥emporarily parking a post in this forum鈥?/p>

鈥nd I suppose it wasn't received very well.

Ram贸n, you are quite correct in saying it doesn't belong here.

However the criterion for belonging here is not:

Does the post make a comment about this forum?


Does the post make a comment about one of the forums?

Point well taken, JJ.

John Joslin wrote:

Does the post make a comment about one of the forums?

Hi there

LOL, I never once considered it ''dumping''. I considered it to be temporarily parking, as I moved it later to the correct venue.

Had I just inexplicably moved the post to this forum and left it there, I would certainly agree with your point about dumping trash in your neighbors yard.

From my perspective what was done was similar to stopping a truck in front of the neighbors house long enough to sort where in the driveway it should go. And the reacion seemed to me at least, to be akin to the neighbor stomping outside to say that my truck shouldn't stop there and please move it. And by the way, don't ever consider stopping there again because it's most certainly not the place for the truck to stop.

I did take the time to include a reply note to advise what was happening and why. It would be nice if anyone recognized the effort made to be courteous to all involved.

As for potentially confusing issues, my view is this. It seems that unless you specifically tell the forums software NOT to do it when you post, you are automatically subscribed to it and receive E-Mail messages alerting you to any replies. I figure if the OP is confused enough to not realize what the incorrect forum was they posted in, they will be none the wiser if the post is moved. I figure it's also highly unlikely they are going to take the time to ensure they aren't subscribed to the post. This would mean that any replies made to the post would be sent via E-Mail along with a link to the post. The beauty of the new forums is that the link doesn't seem to be forum specific. Instead, it seems to be thread specific. So regardless of where the thread is moved to, the link should work.

Happy Sunday all... Rick

I had been away from the forums and started in Illustrator, where I answered the OP twice; after this, nothing: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/470690?tstart=0.

Reading the first post, I did not occur to me that there was anything wrong in the temporary move to the Forum Comments, where all flotsam seems to drift by. Only afterwards did I see these threads here.

Normally, other users ask and suggest in the original forums, but the purpose was unambiguous enough, more so than the identity of Rick.

Obviously, the OP did find the thread in the Illustrator forum once, only to drift away afterwards. So now it seems too late to ask about it.

The more we know about the random postings here and in other forums, the better we can help the victims, and the better we can suggest improvements. You may ponder over the seriousness of the last sentence.

Jacob Bugge wrote:

...You may ponder over the seriousness of the last sentence.

I was referring to the general hopelessness of our suggesting anything, ever since the doom of the fair forums was announced.

JayJhabrix wrote:

John Joslin wrote:

Does the post make a comment about one of the forums?

Ansury wrote:

Because it wasn't obvious at all?

Sorry, that was sarcasm.

my personal feeling rick? i'd be wondering where he heck my post went and why it was deleted. do you give the OP a way to know that you moved their thread, say by leaving a stub where the original was posted? if so then it's easier to just leave the thread where it was an IN the thread tell them to repost in the correct forum.

%26lt;mr. mackie%26gt;moving posts without the OP's say-so is bad, mmm-kay?%26lt;/mr. mackie%26gt;

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