There's no option for upgrading from anything but CS, CS2, CS3. Adobe advertises that Illustrator CS4 can be upgraded from Freehand MX, 10, 9, but fail to provide an option to enter a Freehand number during the installation.
Is there a solution to this Adobe screw-up????
Can't get Upgrade Illustrator CS4 to...
Where did you get your installer?
I believe you need the specific Freehand to AISC4 installer. It is sold separately from the AI to AI upgrade installer.
Can't get Upgrade Illustrator CS4 to...
Where did you get your installer?
I believe you need the specific Freehand to AISC4 installer. It is sold separately from the AI to AI upgrade installer.
On the site, search for ''Adobe Illustrator CS4 Upsell from Freehand''.
I don't know what Amazon's exchange policy is. Perhaps they'll let you exchange for the ''Upsell'' version.
The Adobe Store site that sells the download version of the upgrade clearly requires the buyer to ''Choose a version''.
If I were you I would contact Adobe Customer Service and see what your options are. Here's their Return Policy.''
I see. However, the Amazon site offered no warning. This is the first time I've seen a VERSION selection like this.
In fact, other than making sure an application worked on a MAC, this is the first time I've ever seen an UPGRADE that requires different discs for different UPGRADE applications.
This is just another strike against Adobe. How tough could it be to have a couple more options in the Installation program??? I never thought about different Install discs. I never looked for such a thing. When they listed eligibility they should have said something. Besides I never went to Adobe's site until AFTER I had a problem with the program.
I bet that Adobe's retailers sell a lot of these to the wrong platform because there's nothing I could find on Amazon saying anything about a VERSION choice. Adobe should have an UNLOCK code. If not, it's just another typical Adobe backward way of doing things.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
I'll have to get a valid # from Adobe or return the purchase to Amazon and buy directly from Adobe.
I can't call Adobe tech help until Monday. (Apple Care has 7 day help during business hours)
Hello Judy Arndt et al,
Thanks for taking the time to help.
Got to Adobe Tech Help via telephone and they provided me with an activation code.
I just don't understand why the Adobe upgrade disk doesn't accommodate all upgrade eligibility options.
I'm very glad to hear you got the problem solved.
I don't know the reason for needing a separate FH to AI upgrade installer. It certainly doesn't make it easy for users.
If the activation system doesn't send feedback on which product was upgraded, then perhaps the accountants insisted on a separate purchase for the FH offer. I'm sure they'd love to have a way to track how many FreeHand users are switching to AI.
Who says I'm switching to Illustrator CS4. I have a job requiring ONE FEATURE in the application. Once the job is done, Illustrator will be used very little.
I like Freehand much better and would like to see Freehand upgrades, but Adobe is phasing it out. I am forced to use Photoshop because my publisher is too technically challenged to use Macromedia output.
If angering Freehand users is the way they do a survey, Adobe better rethink a few things.
One of the things I like about APPLE is that they never put you behind the eight ball with upgrade nonsense. If you have a qualifying Apple program, the upgrade is fast and certain. It seems obvious that Adobe does not grasp the way Mac users think.
If I managed Adobe's programmers, a lot of them would be looking for new jobs.
Interesting experience. Glad you were able to work it out with Adobe.
I made the same mistake buying a stand-alone version of Illustrator CS4 not knowing you can't upgrade stand-alone applications from the earlier suites (which was easy to do with Macromedia products). Later I discovered on Mordy Golding's blog there was an upgrade option from FreeHand. Not finding any mention of it on the web (at first glance) I called up Adobe Store and the salesperson said ''sure, we have that version'' and I bought it.
By that point I had lost my receipt for my purchase, so I couldn't return the old Illustrator CS4 (I wrote it off at tax time as an extra business expense). But I still had the old CS4 on my Mac - in fact when I went to install the new CS4 the installer said ''it's already installed.'' So all I had to do is type in the new PASSWORD in the CS4 I already had (whose password on the sticker/in the box would only upgrade from stand-alone versions of CS3, CS2). And it worked! I'm not even sure I have the right CD in the right box - I'm holding onto both boxes and keeping very careful track of the CD CASE with the FH upgrade password stuck to it.