I have been having one problem after another with Captivate 4. An earlier issue (broken Open Files Links) I cannote figure out...likely a Flash problem since by accident I found that the links work on another computer, but not on my work computer or personal PC. As soon as I think my problems are solved, another issue arises. I have an 89-slide instructional module with various ''Jump to Slide'' links within the module, in particular from a menu page (first slide of the file). All seems to go well until I select the last button on my menu page, which is a summary page (located on slide 89). When it tries to navigate there, I see my index (Table of Contents) icon come up, and the rest of the screen is white...it does nothing). I tried moving slides around, for example I moved the Mod Summary slide to the beginning vs. end, which seemed to work, but then it hosed up other screens. Can anyone help?
Jump to Slide Screen Not LoadingHi there
Is there by chance a question slide perched majestically between where you are and where you want to go? If there is, depending on your quiz settings, Captivate may be expecting the question to be answered before allowing you to navigate beyond it.
On your Flash linking issue, it's worth noting that there are many different versions of the Flash player in existence. You may find things link just dandy on one PC only to find they fail miserably on another. (If you are running content locally)
Cheers... Rick
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Thanks again for your quick reply. There are no quiz slides at all in the file that I'm having problems with. I have a menu screen on the first page with 5 buttons that link to content within the file, and several others that link to external files. The problem always seems to occur toward the end of the file (the later slides). It first occurred when I'd link to the summary page, so I simply moved the summary to a location at the beginning of the file vs. the end.
Hi Kristi,
Can you try any of these.. This can solve the problem to some extent
1. Place the summary slide in a new project and set the action as open project for the button which used to point to the summary slide. Dont forget to place all the published contents of the summary project into the original project published folder.
2. Place a blank slide of duration 0.1 second before the Summary slide and link the button to jump to this blank slide. In preview you might be able to see the summary slide contents.
Does this help please let me know.
Thanks for your response Ashwin.
With regard to item 1, I cannot move the summary slide outside of this module because I have a TOC set up to view all items including the Lesson Summary.
With regard to item 1, I acutally tried to do the 0.1 screen prior to you recommending, and it still doesn't work. Tried again, to no avail?
Has anyone had problems similar to this were a screen just refused to load? Any other suggestions...I'm kind of running out of time.
Let me add a few more details to this problem of my screen not loading from a main menu with buttons that link to various sections of my lesson. When I run the training in my browser (again, all my files are HTML and SWF), my links for the first two lessons work like a charm. If I hit the third lesson (and sometimes the fourth), I get awhite blank screen, with only my TOC arrows in the top right corner, which still allow me to open the TOC window. I can navigate to almost any screen I choose from the TOC, then if I return back to my Lesson menu, and again select the third buttton, it works like a charm! Sheesh. Are there any file size restrictions with Flash Player? Based on this additional info, does anyone have any suggestions? I have over 9 months of work into this, and suddenly things are starting to break, and they weren’t broke before.
Hi Kristi,
Can you please check what is the pre-loader percentge set for your project? This can be found at -
Edit %26gt; Preferences %26gt; Project %26gt; Start and End.
Please set the preload percentage to 100% and try to publish and play your project.
Also can you tell us the following details of your project
- Contents of the project (like capture, audio, quiz etc)
- Captivate .cp file size
- Published movie .swf file size
My preloader settings are already set at 100.
Here are the answers to you other questions:
Conent - mostly all standard course navigation buttons, 7 full motion recording flvs (pulled in externally), text, images, and various interactions such as mouseovers, hotspots, TOC, etc. (no audio, screen caps were done outstide of Cap, an my quizzes are in a separate swf file).
Captivate .cp is 14,176 KB
Pun;odjrf swf is 5,065 KB
Thanks for your speedy reply. I hope you (or someone can shed some light).
I just wanted to post an update to this series of posts. I believe, upon accident, that I have isolated my problem some of the latter “jump to slide” hyperlinks loading. The hyperlinks seem to malfunction from a main menu (Slide 1) when I select hyperlinks from slides that are in the last half of the slide sequence, and only when I select them first. In other words, I believe that the problem is related to the full swf not loading in its entirety, and then if the user selects either of the two hyperlinks to the latter slides prior to the full swf loading, then it freezes. This sequence of events is highly unlikely to happen from the user perspective, unless, of course, they return to the couse with specific intent to revisit either of the latter lessons (Lessons 3 or 4) first. Does anyone have any creative suggestions for a fix or workaround to this?
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